Thursday, September 26, 2013

After School Sports

Want to add a little exercise, competition, and service to your life? Come volunteer for the After School Sports program held at SUU. Sponsored by the Community Engagement center this program teaches teamwork, skills, and practice to middle school students looking for fun after school activities. The program begins Tuesday, October 1st from 2:30-4:00 pm and includes games such as, soccer, basketball, four square, ultimate frisbee, etc. Make sure to sign up at the Community Engagement Center and for further information please contact Breanna Hally at

Wee Swim

Who likes to serve and swim? The Community Engagement center needs Certified Water Safety Instructor volunteers to help teach SUU Head Start Preschool students. Every Wednesday you will give these preschoolers the opportunity to learn how to swim and have fun their peers. This activity is held at the SUU PE building from 5-6 pm on Wednesdays from October 2nd through October 30th. Tomorrow, September 27th, there is a meeting from 3:00-3:45 pm at the Community Engagement Center to talk and answer questions about the program.  for more information please email Taylor Hansen and Chelsey Roberts at Hope to see you there!

Animal Rescue Program

Good news everyone, The weekly animal rescue visits have started up again! During these weekly visits you have a chance to do some service as well as play and hold all the many adorable animals! Mondays at 3 pm come serve and love the animals who don't have homes or families. Meet at the Community Engagement Center, 417 W 200 S, to travel to the center together with service leader, Stacy Craft. For more information please contact Stacy at Come give your time and care to the local animals of Cedar City. Play, clean, and have a good time!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September 11th Tribute and 'Meet the Heroes'

Tomorrow we are remembering those who sacrificed their lives on September 11th, 12 years ago. At 12 pm in the Hunter Conference Center join us for the 'September 11th Tribute' hosted by the Community Engagement Center. The program includes readings by First Responders, a musical number by the North Starz Elementary Choir, and an address from Jeff Hertig, SUUSA President. Please come and show your support. There will also be an event tomorrow evening at the Cedar City Library (in the park), 'Meet the Heroes' from 5:11-7:11 pm. With a donation of $1 come enjoy food, story readings, art projects, and special visits by local heroes.These events assist and invite the community to support not only the heroes of 9/11, but our local Cedar City heroes. Come strengthen and enjoy time with your community.