It's that time of the semester again- final exams are right around the corner. Stress is at an all time high, healthy diets go out the window, the idea of sleep becomes a distant memory and professor's office hours become priceless. This is the last chance to raise those grades and keep them up. Creating a Finals Week Survival Kit for someone is a really nice gesture to show support.
There are many things that can go in a the Survival Kit, and here are some ideas!
- Food – There are a lot of late nights and early mornings leading up to and running into finals week. Being able to reach for a snack right from their desk saves them time and keeps them from having to run out to buy their own.
- Fun desk items – Even though there’s lots of studying that needs to be done, they’ll need a break, too. A stress ball, one of those magnetic sculpture things, or a travel-size game.
- New supplies – Highlighters, post it notes, pens, erasers, note cards, a note book, etc... these are all great.
- Energy drinks – Red Bulls, rockstars and other energy drinks. If you prefer a more natural approach, you might check out V8 V-Fusion +Energy.
- Relaxation items – Fuzzy socks, a small scented candle, a blanket, face mask, etc... Anything to make them comfortable during this high-stress time.
- Vitamin C – Sleep is going to be last on the list, and colds are often more prevalent in the winter. Help them take care of their health with Vitamin C tabs, chews, or powder mix.
- Personal care items – Colgate wisps, deodorant, hair ties, chap stick and anything else to keep them feeling fresh will be much appreciated.
- Antacids – Between a lack of sleep, fast food, and a likely lack of physical activity, there’s bound to be a little churning. They might not think of an antacid on their own, but they’d be greatly appreciated!
- A personal note – A few words of encouragement from home make more difference than most people know. A simple “I know you’re working hard” is a great way to make someone feel good about their efforts.

#FinalsWeek #Survive #SurvivalKit